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  Have You Seen The Paintings Of Old Come To Life?

3d art printing has taken Vincent van Gogh's sunflowers to a whole new level, and literally brought them into the 3d world. Van Gogh seemed to have an extreme interest, some would say obsession, with sunflowers. He painted a lot of them and sunflowers can be found as the main focal point and even in the background of several of his more notable pieces. This made them the perfect choice for artists to recreate as a tangible 3d piece modeled completely by the images on his paintings. His unique paintings are said to convey movement and texture in the universe as well, so his work was a natural choice for the artist to bring into the tangible world. If an artist can so fully convey Vincent Van Gogh's personality by translating his work across generations and mediums, imagine what a skilled artist can do to convey your message with the art mediums available today.

Browse a modern art website to see what can be done when you marry 3d printing with unique paintings from around the globe. Our imaginations are the limit, and truly after studying the art, it is limitless. We have worked with clients across the globe to turn their favorite art pieces into translated sculptures that convey feelings and ideas in the 3d world. The mixing of modern and traditional, 3d and 2d paintings and the cooperation between inspired clients and talented artists at Art with DNA has resulted in some impressive and remarkable pieces that are on display in homes, art galleries, and businesses across the world. Browse our personal gallery to see exactly what we are talking about and to have some talking pieces to start us in the right direction of your personal project.

The limitations you have for unique paintings and unique artwork simply does not exist. There are so many applications that can be employed once we discuss your needs, ideas, and get to know your personality. Did you know there is an art piece out there that is a 3d printing of Obama's voice? It is actually cool looking, and who knows maybe one day in the far far future if recordings fade scientists and artists will be able to recreate his speech using this art piece. Once you realize art has no limits and you have the freedom to convey your personality or the brand of your company in a compelling piece you may be surprised at exactly what we end up creating together. Contact us today to start the process, we must get to know you and your vision before we can start on your one of a kind piece of art.

@artwithdna           I            +1 (305) 588-9393            I  

©2023 by Art with DNA - The Gallery

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